Patrick Tayler (1989, Pforzheim, DE) is a painter and art writer. Between 2018 and 2022, he was a DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) student at the University of Pécs. His research focuses on the references and critical approaches to ultracontemporary painting. He is an assistant lecturer at the Painting Department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, author and columnist of the journal Új Művészet, and lecturer at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. He is involved in various projects, mainly as a translator and proofreader.
Patrick Tayler (1989, Pforzheim, DE) is a painter and art writer. Between 2018 and 2022, he was a DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) student at the University of Pécs. His research focuses on the references and critical approaches to ultracontemporary painting. He is an assistant lecturer at the Painting Department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, author and columnist of the journal Új Művészet, and lecturer at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. He is involved in various projects, mainly as a translator and proofreader.